Source code for genewalk.nx_mg_assembler

import pickle
import logging
import itertools
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
from goatools.obo_parser import GODag
from genewalk.resources import ResourceManager

logger = logging.getLogger('genewalk.nx_mg_assembler')

[docs]def load_network(network_type, network_file, genes, resource_manager=None): """Return a network assembler of the given type based on a set of genes. Parameters ---------- network_type : str The type of the network to be constructed. network_file : str The path to a file containing information to construct the network. genes : list A list of gene references. resource_manager : Optional[:py:class:`genewalk.resources.ResourceManager`] A resource manager object which, if specified, is used to get the resource files. Otherwise, the default resource manager is used. Returns ------- :py:class:`genewalk.nx_mg_assembler.NxMgAssembler` An instance of an NxMgAssembler containing the assembled networkx MultiGraph as its graph attribute. """ if not resource_manager: resource_manager = None if network_type == 'pc': mg = PcNxMgAssembler(genes, resource_manager=resource_manager) elif network_type == 'indra':'Loading %s' % network_file) with open(network_file, 'rb') as fh: stmts = pickle.load(fh) mg = IndraNxMgAssembler(genes, stmts, resource_manager=resource_manager) elif network_type in {'edge_list', 'sif', 'sif_annot', 'sif_full'}:'Loading user-provided GeneWalk Network from %s.' % network_file) mg = UserNxMgAssembler(genes, resource_manager, network_file, gwn_format=network_type) else: raise ValueError('Unknown network_type: %s' % network_type) return mg
[docs]class NxMgAssembler(object): """Class which assembles a networkx MultiGraph based on a list of genes. Parameters ---------- genes : list of dict A list of gene references based on which the graph is assembled. Attributes ---------- graph : networkx.MultiGraph The assembled graph containing links for interactions between genes, GO annotations for genes, and the GO ontology. """ def __init__(self, genes, resource_manager=None): self.genes = genes self.graph = nx.MultiGraph() if not resource_manager: self.resource_manager = ResourceManager() else: self.resource_manager = resource_manager self.go_dag = None self.goa = None def get_go_annots(self): if self.goa is None: self.goa = self._load_goa_gaf() return self.goa def get_go_dag(self): if self.go_dag is None: self.go_dag = GODag(self.resource_manager.get_go_obo()) return self.go_dag def _get_go_terms_for_gene(self, gene): # Filter to rows with the given gene's UniProt ID if ('UP' not in gene) or ('HGNC_SYMBOL' not in gene): return [] elif gene['HGNC_SYMBOL'] not in self.graph: return [] goa = self.get_go_annots() df = goa[goa['DB_ID'] == gene['UP']] go_ids = sorted(list(set(df['GO_ID']))) return go_ids
[docs] def add_go_annotations(self): """Add edges between gene nodes and GO nodes based on GO annotations."""'Adding GO annotations for genes in graph.') go_dag = self.get_go_dag() for gene in self.genes: go_ids = self._get_go_terms_for_gene(gene) for go_id in go_ids: if go_id in go_dag: go_term = go_dag[go_id] if go_term.is_obsolete: continue self.graph.add_node(,,, domain=go_term.namespace) self.graph.add_edge(gene['HGNC_SYMBOL'],, label='GO:annotation')
[docs] def add_go_ontology(self): """Add edges between GO nodes based on the GO ontology."""'Adding GO ontology edges to graph.') go_dag = self.get_go_dag() for go_term in list(go_dag.values()): if go_term.is_obsolete: continue self.graph.add_node(,,, domain=go_term.namespace) for parent_term in go_term.parents: if parent_term.is_obsolete: continue self.graph.add_node(,,, domain=go_term.namespace) self.graph.add_edge(,, label='GO:is_a')
[docs] def node2edges(self, node_key): """Return the edges corresponding to a node.""" return self.graph.edges(node_key, keys=True)
[docs] def save_graph(self, fname): """Save the file into a GraphML file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The name of the file to save the graph into. """ nx.write_graphml(self.graph, fname)
def _load_goa_gaf(self): """Load the gene/GO annotations as a pandas data frame.""" goa_ec = {'EXP', 'IDA', 'IPI', 'IMP', 'IGI', 'IEP', 'HTP', 'HDA', 'HMP', 'HGI', 'HEP', 'IBA', 'IBD'} goa = pd.read_csv(self.resource_manager.get_goa_gaf(), sep='\t', comment='!', dtype=str, header=None, names=['DB', 'DB_ID', 'DB_Symbol', 'Qualifier', 'GO_ID', 'DB_Reference', 'Evidence_Code', 'With_From', 'Aspect', 'DB_Object_Name', 'DB_Object_Synonym', 'DB_Object_Type', 'Taxon', 'Date', 'Assigned', 'Annotation_Extension', 'Gene_Product_Form_ID']) goa = goa.sort_values(by=['DB_ID', 'GO_ID']) # Filter out all "NOT" negative evidences goa['Qualifier'].fillna('', inplace=True) goa = goa[~goa['Qualifier'].str.startswith('NOT')] # Filter to rows with evidence code corresponding to experimental # evidence goa = goa[goa['Evidence_Code'].isin(goa_ec)] return goa
[docs]class PcNxMgAssembler(NxMgAssembler): """The PcNxMgAssembler assembles a GeneWalk Network with gene reactions from Pathway Commons and GO ontology and annotations into a networkx (undirected) MultiGraph including edge attributes. Parameters ---------- genes : list fo dict A list of gene references based on which the network is assembled. Attributes ---------- graph : networkx.MultiGraph A GeneWalk Network that is assembled by this assembler. """ def __init__(self, genes, resource_manager=None): super().__init__(genes, resource_manager) self.add_pc_edges() self.add_go_annotations() self.add_go_ontology()
[docs] def add_pc_edges(self): """Add edges between gene nodes based on PathwayCommons interactions."""'Adding gene edges from Pathway Commons to graph.') gwn_df = pd.read_csv(self.resource_manager.get_pc(), sep='\t', dtype=str, header=None) col_mapper = {} col_mapper[0] = 'source' col_mapper[1] = 'rel_type' col_mapper[2] = 'target' edge_attributes = True gwn_df = gwn_df.rename(mapper=col_mapper, axis='columns') pc = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(gwn_df, source='source', target='target', edge_attr=edge_attributes, create_using=nx.MultiGraph) # subset over genes in the input gene list hgnc_symbols = [g['HGNC_SYMBOL'] for g in self.genes] hgnc_ids = [g['HGNC'] for g in self.genes] up_ids = [g['UP'] for g in self.genes] pc.add_nodes_from(hgnc_symbols) pc_sub = pc.subgraph(hgnc_symbols) gene2hgnc_dict = dict(zip(hgnc_symbols, hgnc_ids)) nx.set_node_attributes(pc_sub, gene2hgnc_dict, 'HGNC') gene2up_dict = dict(zip(hgnc_symbols, up_ids)) nx.set_node_attributes(pc_sub, gene2up_dict, 'UP') # Make a copy to unfreeze graph self.graph = nx.MultiGraph(pc_sub)'Number of PC originating nodes %d' % nx.number_of_nodes(self.graph))
[docs]class IndraNxMgAssembler(NxMgAssembler): """The IndraNxMgAssembler assembles INDRA Statements and GO ontology / annotations into a networkx (undirected) MultiGraph including edge attributes. This code is based on INDRA's SifAssembler Parameters ---------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of INDRA Statements to be added to the assembler's list of Statements. Attributes ---------- graph : networkx.MultiGraph A GeneWalk Network that is assembled by this assembler. """ def __init__(self, genes, stmts, resource_manager=None): self.indra_nodes = set() self.stmts = stmts super().__init__(genes, resource_manager) self.add_indra_edges() self.add_fplx_edges() self.add_go_annotations() self.add_go_ontology()
[docs] def add_indra_edges(self): """Add edges between gene nodes and GO nodes based on INDRA Statements. """'Adding nodes from INDRA statements.') for i, st in enumerate(self.stmts): # Get all agents in the statement agents = [a for a in st.agent_list() if a is not None] # Only include edges for statements with at least 2 Agents # excludes (irrelevant) stmt types: Translocation, ActiveForm, # SelfModification if len(agents) < 2: continue # Create a label that is unique to the statement and its type edge_type = type(st).__name__ edge_key = '%d_%s' % (i, edge_type) # Iterate over all the agent combinations and add edge for a, b in itertools.combinations(agents, 2): a_node = self.add_agent_node(a) b_node = self.add_agent_node(b) self.graph.add_edge(a_node, b_node, key=edge_key, label=edge_type) hgnc_symbols = [g['HGNC_SYMBOL'] for g in self.genes] hgnc_ids = [g['HGNC'] for g in self.genes] up_ids = [g['UP'] for g in self.genes] self.graph.add_nodes_from(hgnc_symbols) gene2hgnc_dict = dict(zip(hgnc_symbols, hgnc_ids)) nx.set_node_attributes(self.graph, gene2hgnc_dict, 'HGNC') gene2up_dict = dict(zip(hgnc_symbols, up_ids)) nx.set_node_attributes(self.graph, gene2up_dict, 'UP')'Number of INDRA originating nodes %d.' % len(self.indra_nodes))
[docs] def add_fplx_edges(self): """Add edges between gene nodes and families/complexes they are part of.""" from genewalk.get_indra_stmts import get_famplex_links_from_stmts links = get_famplex_links_from_stmts(self.stmts) for s, t in links: self.graph.add_edge(s, t, label='FPLX:is_a')
[docs] def add_agent_node(self, agent): """Add a node corresponding to an INDRA Agent.""" go_id = agent.db_refs.get('GO') go_dag = self.get_go_dag() if go_id: go_id = go_id if go_id.startswith('GO:') else 'GO:%s' % go_id node_key = go_id # INDRA standardizes GO names so this is generally not # necessary try: name = go_dag[go_id].name except KeyError: name = self.graph.add_node(node_key, name=name, source='indra', **agent.db_refs) else: node_key = self.graph.add_node(node_key,, **agent.db_refs, source='indra') self.indra_nodes.add(node_key) return node_key
[docs] def node2stmts(self, node_key): """Return the INDRA Statements given the key of a graph node.""" matching_stmts = [] node_name = self.graph.nodes[node_key]['name'] for stmt in self.stmts: for agent in stmt.agent_list(): if agent is not None: agent_name = if agent_name == node_name: matching_stmts.append(stmt) break return matching_stmts
[docs]class UserNxMgAssembler(NxMgAssembler): """Loads a user-provided GeneWalk Network from a given file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the user-provided genewalk network file, assumed to contain gene symbols and GO IDs. See gwn_format for supported format details. gwn_format : Optional[str] 'el' (default, edge list: nodeA nodeB (if more columns present: interpreted as edge attributes) \ or 'sif' (simple interaction format: nodeA,<relationship type>,nodeB). Do not include column headers. Attributes ---------- graph : networkx.MultiGraph A GeneWalk Network that is loaded by this assembler. """ def __init__(self, genes, resource_manager, filepath, gwn_format='el'): super().__init__(genes, resource_manager=resource_manager) self.graph = nx.MultiGraph() self.filepath = filepath self.gwn_format = gwn_format self.add_network_edges()
[docs] def add_network_edges(self): """Assemble the GeneWalk Network from the user-provided file path.""" gwn_df = pd.read_csv(self.filepath, dtype=str, header=None) col_mapper = {} if self.gwn_format == 'edge_list': col_mapper[0] = 'source' col_mapper[1] = 'target' edge_attributes = None elif self.gwn_format in {'sif', 'sif_annot', 'sif_full'}: col_mapper[0] = 'source' col_mapper[1] = 'rel_type' col_mapper[2] = 'target' edge_attributes = True else: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid GeneWalk network format' % self.gwn_format) gwn_df.rename(mapper=col_mapper, axis='columns', inplace=True) self.graph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(gwn_df, 'source', 'target', edge_attr=edge_attributes, create_using=nx.MultiGraph)'The graph loaded from %s contains %d nodes' ' including %d GO terms' % (self.filepath, len(self.graph), len([n for n in self.graph if n.startswith('GO:')]))) gene_list_genes = \ {(g['ID'] if 'ID' in g else g['HGNC_SYMBOL']) for g in self.genes} non_gene_list_non_go_nodes = \ [n for n in self.graph if not n.startswith('GO:') and n not in gene_list_genes] if non_gene_list_non_go_nodes:'Removing %d gene nodes from input network ' 'since they are not in the input gene list.' % len(non_gene_list_non_go_nodes)) self.graph.remove_nodes_from(non_gene_list_non_go_nodes) # If the GO annotations are not provided as part of the SIF # then we add those if self.gwn_format in {'sif', 'edge_list'}: self.add_go_annotations() # If the GO DAG is not provided as part of the SIF then we add # it if self.gwn_format in {'sif', 'sif_annot', 'edge_list'}: self.add_go_ontology() # If the SIF contains everything then we still have to add # some basic node meta-data to the GO nodes for later steps if self.gwn_format == 'sif_full': go_dag = self.get_go_dag() for node in self.graph.nodes: if node.startswith('GO:'): go_term = go_dag.get(node) if go_term: self.graph.nodes[node]['GO'] = self.graph.nodes[node]['name'] = self.graph.nodes[node]['domain'] = go_term.namespace