Source code for genewalk.plot

import os.path
import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
import seaborn as sns
import as px

logger = logging.getLogger('genewalk.plot')

[docs]class GW_Plotter(object): """ genewalk plotter object to visualize genewalk output data. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output figures (Default: project_folder/figures) dgw : pandas.dataFrame GeneWalk results data frame. alpha_fdr : float FDR significance level for global analyses and barplots. Default: 0.1 and must be < 1 otherwise set to default. Lower this value to increase the stringency of the regulator selection procedure. """ def __init__(self, path, dgw, alpha_fdr): self.path = path if alpha_fdr == 1: # default input self.alpha_fdr = 0.1 else: self.alpha_fdr = alpha_fdr self.scatter_data = pd.DataFrame() self.stat = 'global_padj' # for barplots self.ci_stat = 'cilow_'+self.stat self.dGW = dgw self.go_domains = set(self.dGW['go_domain']) if self.dGW.columns[0] in {'mgi_id', 'rgd_id', 'ensembl_id', 'entrez_human', 'entrez_mouse', 'custom'}: self.std_id = False self.id_type = self.dGW.columns[0] else: self.std_id = True self.id_type = self.dGW.columns[1] self.name_namespace = 'custom' if self.id_type == 'custom' \ else 'hgnc_symbol' self.id_namespace = 'custom' if self.id_type == 'custom' \ else 'hgnc_id'
[docs] def generate_plots(self): """Wrapper that calls scatter and bar plot generating functions.""" reg_html = self.scatterplot_regulators() moonlight_html = self.scatterplot_moonlighters() self.barplot_goanno() self.make_html([reg_html, moonlight_html])
[docs] def scatterplot_regulators(self): """Scatter plot with fraction of (globally) relevant GO annotations as a function of gene connectivity (to other genes) for all input genes. Genes with symbols listed are regulator genes. See genewalk_scatterplots.csv for full data and genewalk_regulators.csv for regulator genes of interest. Visualization thresholds: T_frac: minimal fraction of relevant GO annotations, set to 0.5 T_gcon: minimal gene connectivity (to other genes), set to 75th quartile of distribution """ if self.scatter_data.empty: self._get_scatter_data() plot_title = 'Regulator genes' xvar = 'gene_con' yvar = 'frac_rel_go' xlab = 'Connections with other genes (per gene)' ylab = 'Fraction of relevant GO terms (per gene)' xmin = 0.45 xmax = max(self.scatter_data[xvar])*1.2 T_gcon = self.scatter_data[xvar].quantile(q=0.75) T_frac = 0.5 # seaborn static plot sns.set(style="whitegrid") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12)) # inches g = sns.scatterplot(x=xvar, y=yvar, hue=yvar, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, sizes=(40, 400), data=self.scatter_data, ax=ax, legend=False) plt.axvline(x=T_gcon, color='grey', linestyle='--') plt.axhline(y=T_frac, color='grey', linestyle='--') font_sz = 16 plt.xlabel(xlab, size=font_sz) plt.ylabel(ylab, size=font_sz) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.xticks(size=font_sz) plt.yticks(size=font_sz) regulators = [] dreg = self.scatter_data[self.scatter_data[xvar] >= T_gcon] dreg = dreg[dreg[yvar] >= T_frac] for r in dreg.index: gname = dreg[self.name_namespace][r] regulators.append(gname) x_txt = dreg[xvar][r] y_txt = dreg[yvar][r]+np.random.normal(0, 0.002) g.text(x_txt, y_txt, gname, size=6, horizontalalignment='center', color='black', weight='light', fontstyle='italic') g.set(xscale="log") plt.title(plot_title, size=font_sz) filename = 'regulators_x_' + xvar + '_y_' + yvar plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.path, filename + '.pdf'), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True) plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.path, filename + '.png'), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True) # plotly interactive plot fig = px.scatter(self.scatter_data[~self.scatter_data[yvar].isna()], x=xvar, y=yvar, color=yvar, size='rel_go', hover_name=self.name_namespace, hover_data=[self.name_namespace, self.id_type], title=plot_title, labels={xvar: xlab, yvar: ylab}, log_x=True, range_x=[xmin, xmax]) fig.add_shape(type='rect', x0=T_gcon, y0=T_frac, x1=xmax, y1=1, fillcolor="LightSkyBlue", opacity=0.2, layer="below", line_width=0) fig.add_shape(type='line', x0=xmin, y0=T_frac, x1=xmax, y1=T_frac, line=dict(color='grey', dash='dash')) fig.add_shape(type='line', x0=T_gcon, y0=0, x1=T_gcon, y1=1, line=dict(color='grey', dash='dash')) plotly_html = fig.to_html(full_html=False) fig.write_html(os.path.join(self.path, filename + '.html'))'%s plotted in %s...' % (plot_title, filename)) df = pd.DataFrame(sorted(regulators), columns=['gw_regulators']) filename = 'genewalk_regulators.csv' df.to_csv(os.path.join(self.path, filename), index=False)'%s listed in %s...' % (plot_title, filename)) return plotly_html
[docs] def scatterplot_moonlighters(self): """Scatter plot with fraction of (globally) relevant GO annotations as a function of number of GO annotations for all input genes. Genes with symbols listed are moonlighting genes. See genewalk_scatterplots.csv for full data and genewalk_moonlighters.csv for moonlighting genes of interest. Visualization thresholds: T_frac: maximal fraction of relevant GO annotations, set to 0.5 T_gocon: minimal number of GO annotations per gene, set to max of 30 and 75th quartile of distribution. """ if self.scatter_data.empty: self._get_scatter_data() plot_title = 'Moonlighting genes' xvar = 'go_con' yvar = 'frac_rel_go' xlab = 'Number of GO annotations (per gene)' ylab = 'Fraction of relevant GO terms (per gene)' xmin = 0.45 xmax = max(self.scatter_data[xvar])*1.2 T_gocon = max(30, self.scatter_data[xvar].quantile(q=0.75)) T_frac = 0.5 #seaborn static plot sns.set(style="whitegrid") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12)) # inches g = sns.scatterplot(x=xvar, y=yvar, hue=yvar, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, sizes=(40, 400), data=self.scatter_data, ax=ax, legend=False) plt.axvline(x=T_gocon, color='grey', linestyle='--') plt.axhline(y=T_frac, color='grey', linestyle='--') font_sz=16 plt.xlabel(xlab, size=font_sz) plt.ylabel(ylab, size=font_sz) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.xticks(size=font_sz) plt.yticks(size=font_sz) moonlighters = [] dmoon = self.scatter_data[self.scatter_data[xvar] >= T_gocon] dmoon = dmoon[(dmoon[yvar] < T_frac) & (dmoon[yvar] > 0)] for m in dmoon.index: gname = dmoon[self.name_namespace][m] moonlighters.append(gname) x_txt = dmoon[xvar][m] y_txt = dmoon[yvar][m] g.text(x_txt, y_txt, gname, size=6, horizontalalignment='center', color='black', weight='light', fontstyle='italic') g.set(xscale="log") plt.title(plot_title, size=font_sz) filename = 'moonlighters_x_' + xvar + '_y_' + yvar plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.path, filename + '.pdf'), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True) plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.path, filename + '.png'), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True) ### plotly interactive plot fig = px.scatter(self.scatter_data[~self.scatter_data[yvar].isna()], x=xvar, y=yvar, color=yvar, size='gene_con', hover_name=self.name_namespace, hover_data=[self.name_namespace, self.id_type], title=plot_title, labels={xvar: xlab, yvar: ylab}, log_x=True, range_x=[xmin, xmax]) fig.add_shape(type='rect', x0=T_gocon, y0=0, x1=xmax, y1=T_frac, fillcolor="LightSkyBlue", opacity=0.2, layer="below", line_width=0) fig.add_shape(type='line', x0=xmin, y0=T_frac, x1=xmax, y1=T_frac, line=dict(color='grey', dash='dash')) fig.add_shape(type='line', x0=T_gocon, y0=0, x1=T_gocon, y1=1, line=dict(color='grey', dash='dash')) fig.write_html(os.path.join(self.path, filename + '.html')) plotly_html = fig.to_html(full_html=False)'%s plotted in %s...' % (plot_title, filename)) df = pd.DataFrame(sorted(moonlighters), columns=['gw_moonlighter']) filename = 'genewalk_moonlighters.csv' df.to_csv(os.path.join(self.path, filename), index=False)'%s listed in %s...' % (plot_title, filename)) return plotly_html
[docs] def barplot_goanno(self): """Visualize statistical significances of all GO annotations in a barplot for a given gene of interest. """ self.dGW['mlog10padj'] = -np.log10(self.dGW[self.stat]) self.dGW['mlog10padj_err'] = - np.log10(self.dGW[self.ci_stat]) \ - self.dGW['mlog10padj'] for gid in self.dGW[self.id_type].unique(): df = self.dGW[self.dGW[self.id_type] == gid] gsymbol = self.scatter_data[self.name_namespace][gid] self._barplot(df, gid, gsymbol, dom='GO')
#Barplots separated by go domain #for go_dom in self.go_domains: # self._barplot(df[df['go_domain']==go_dom], gid, gsymbol,dom=go_dom) def _get_scatter_data(self): """ Data processing function for scatter plots. """ scd = dict() if not self.std_id: if self.id_type == 'custom': scat_cols = [self.id_type] else: scat_cols = [self.id_type, self.name_namespace, self.id_namespace] scat_cols += ['con', 'go_con', 'gene_con', 'rel_go', 'frac_rel_go'] else: scat_cols = [self.id_type, self.name_namespace, 'con', 'go_con', 'gene_con', 'rel_go', 'frac_rel_go'] for gid in self.dGW[self.id_type].unique(): df = self.dGW[ self.dGW[self.id_type] == gid ] gname = df[self.name_namespace].unique()[0] con = df['ncon_gene'].unique()[0] if pd.isna(df['go_id'].unique()[0]): # no GO annotations gocon = np.nan genecon = con relgo = 0 fracrelgo = 0 else: gocon = len(df) genecon = con - gocon relgo = min(len(df[df['global_padj'] < self.alpha_fdr]), len(df[df['gene_padj'] < self.alpha_fdr])) fracrelgo = round(float(relgo)/gocon, 3) if self.std_id: scd[gid] = [gid, gname, con, gocon, genecon, relgo, fracrelgo] else: hid = str(df[self.id_namespace].unique()[0]) if self.id_type == 'custom': scd[gid] = [gid] else: scd[gid] = [gid, gname, hid] scd[gid] += [con, gocon, genecon, relgo, fracrelgo] self.scatter_data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(scd, orient='index', columns=scat_cols) self.scatter_data.sort_values(by=['gene_con', 'frac_rel_go', 'rel_go'], ascending=[False, False, False], inplace=True) filename = 'genewalk_scatterplots.csv' self.scatter_data.to_csv(os.path.join(self.path, filename), index=False)'Scatter plot data output to %s...' % filename) for c in ['go_con', 'gene_con']: # for log scale plotting: 0 -> 0.5 self.scatter_data[c].where(self.scatter_data[c] > 0, 0.5, inplace=True) def _barplot(self, dplot, gene_id, gsymbol, dom): """ Bar plot figure generating function. """ gocon = self.scatter_data['go_con'][gene_id] gene_id = str(gene_id) if gocon >= 1: dplot = dplot.sort_values(by=['mlog10padj', 'sim', 'global_padj', 'gene_padj'], ascending=[False, False, True, True]) sns.set(style="whitegrid", color_codes=True) f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2, 0.25*len(dplot))) ax = sns.barplot(x='mlog10padj', y='go_name', xerr=dplot['mlog10padj_err'], data=dplot, color="b", error_kw=dict(elinewidth=1, ecolor=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7], capsize=1)) plt.axvline(x=-np.log10(self.alpha_fdr), color='r', linestyle='--') font_sz = 12 max_x_data = max(dplot['mlog10padj']+dplot['mlog10padj_err'])+0.3 plt.xticks(range(round(max_x_data)+1), size=font_sz) plt.xlim(0, max(round(max_x_data, 1), 1)) plt.xlabel('-log10('+self.stat+')', size=font_sz) ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') plt.ylabel(dom+' annotations', size=0.8*font_sz, rotation=270, labelpad=15) plt.title(gsymbol, size=font_sz) filename = 'barplot_' + gsymbol + '_' + gene_id + '_x_mlog10' + \ self.stat + '_y_' + dom.replace(' ', '') + '.' #plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.path, 'barplots', filename+'pdf'), # bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True) #pdf file size: >300kb, so memorywise not advisable to make #pdf barplots in case of long input gene lists. #Save as png (10kb) instead: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.path, 'barplots', filename+'png'), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True)'Barplot generated for %s in %s...' % (gene_id, filename)) else: logger.warning('No results for gene id %s: \ could not produce barplot' % gene_id)
[docs] def make_html(self, global_htmls): """ Generates index.html, the html file that shows all the visualizations. """ template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'results_template.html') with open(template_path, 'r') as fh: template = template = template.replace('{{ GLOBAL_RESULTS }}', '\n'.join(global_htmls)) genes = iter(self.dGW[self.id_type].unique()) gene_results_html = "" while True: gene_results_html += '<div class="row">' try: for _ in range(4): gid = next(genes) gsymbol = self.scatter_data[self.name_namespace][gid] img_path = os.path.join('barplots', ('barplot_%s_%s_x_mlog10%s_y_GO.png' % (gsymbol, gid, self.stat))) # Skip any genes for which results were not generated if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, img_path)): continue # We only make proper links for non-custom gene symbols if self.id_type != 'custom': identifiers_href = '' % gsymbol else: identifiers_href = '#' gene_results_html += """ <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="{img_path}"> <img src='{img_path}' style="width:100%"> </a> <div class="caption"> <a href="{identifiers_href}">{symbol} ({gid})</a> </div> </div> </div> """.format(symbol=gsymbol, gid=gid, img_path=img_path, identifiers_href=identifiers_href) except StopIteration: break finally: gene_results_html += '</div>' template = template.replace('{{ GENE_RESULTS }}', gene_results_html) output_html = os.path.join(self.path, 'index.html') with open(output_html, 'w') as fh: fh.write(template)'index.html file generated with interactive visualizations ' 'of all GeneWalk results...')